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La Oración y Reflexión


La religión consiste fundamentalmente en la unión con Dios. Unión que se realiza por la fe y en el amor, creyendo en El, reconociendo su dominio y grandeza, adorándole, dándole gracias, entregándose a El mediante el cumplimiento de su voluntad, de sus mandamientos.

Church News

Padre que se haga tu voluntad

We may discuss the most recent renovations and additions to the church. Another area of interest may include changes in staff members, so everyone knows who does what at the church.


This section could highlight significant events occurring at the church. An example of this is our recent yard sale, which was a huge success. With the help of over 100 members, the yard sale brought in nearly $6,000. Thank you to everyone who contributed items to sell or their time to make this popular event fun for all.


Congratulations to the Wilsons on their new baby girl, Brianna.

Congratulations to the newly married Mr. and Mrs. Mike Glover.

"Quien ora se salva, quien no ora, se condena" (San Alfonso María de Ligorio)